The Truest Joy

What make's Christ's resurrection so joyful?

It's because through His death and resurrection, God shows us that not even the extreme limit of forsakenness and the abode of the dead can keep us from God's love and saving grace. Easter, the celebration of Jesus' resurrection is so joyful because Jesus really died in the full sense of the word.  By dying and descending into the realm of the dead, He expressed total solidarity with all those who have died physically and spiritually. This expression of total solidarity is what makes Christ's resurrection so remarkable and joyful. That is divine love. Christ, the son of God, willfully experienced the extreme limit of forsakenness and death so that through His everlasting resurrection He could redeem even the most distant of sinners. It is by His redeeming the most distant of sinners we experience and know His love in full. Nothing can keep us from His love and saving grace. Nothing. Not death. Not the worst of sins. It is through Christ's excruciating death on a cross and then through His descent into furthest realms of the dead and through His everlasting resurrection that we find the truest meaning of joy.


  1. Jesus' descent into hell is very poetically described in the Apocryphal Gospels. Also, on Handel's Messiah, his resurrection is sung by celestial choirs. Rejoice!


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