Does the Ulitmate Truth Matter?



         I was recently asked, “Why is it so important that we seek to know the ultimate truth? Does it really matter what is true so long as we are happy and treat others well?”

        This is an interesting question and I would say, yes. The ultimate truth matters because it is in knowing the ultimate truth that we become happy and can treat others well. Of course, this is assuming it is ultimately true we are meant and created for happiness and treating other people well. But, for the sake of this argument, let us say this is the case.

        What is truth? What does it mean to have truth?

Truth is holding a belief that matches reality. If this is the case, then your truth cannot be different than my truth because we live in the same reality.

What happens when our beliefs do not match reality?

        Let me give you an example. My great grandmother used to clean her sliding glass doors so well that one day I believed the glass door to be open when it was really shut. Because my belief did not match reality, I suffered the consequences of a bruised face.

        We act according to what we believe and like my experience with the glass door, holding a belief that does not match reality, even a reality we cannot see, leads us into harm.

I think it is fair to say that when we are harmed, we are unhappy.  Therefore, aligning your beliefs with reality, knowing what is true, leads to happiness. Knowing the truth matters because knowing truth keeps us from harm and leads us to happiness.


  1. We should get together and study some Metaphysics. Then we can apply Hegelian Dialectics to dig into the Truth. Bowl of popcorn and cold Coca-Colas as refreshments.


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